Methane Regs Could Hit 15,000 Companies
Friday, October 8, 2021
The head of the Independent Petroleum Association of America says pending methane rules being pushed by the Biden Administration could have a huge effect on small oil producers throughout the United States.

IPAA Executive Director Lee Fuller said the methane regulations being developed by the EPA are yet another assault on the oil and gas industry. Fuller notes that methane emissions account for about nine percent of the total greenhouse gas inventory, and are divided roughly in thirds between the oil industry, agriculture and other industries, primarily landfills. But despite the oil industry's minor contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, Biden's EPA is zeroing in on oil and gas.

Click here to listen to Fuller's comments.

Fuller, who was interviewed by Jason Spiess for The Crude Life, said the industry is concerned the EPA will not make a distinction between large-producing wells, and the estimated 770,000 wells that produce less than 15 barrels per day.

Click here to listen to Fuller's comments.

Fuller said federal regulatory agencies have a history of imposing different standards based on the scale of industrial operations. He said that principle can be applied to smaller oil wells, but IPAA is concerned the EPA won't make that distinction.

Click here to listen to Fuller's comments.

In addition to the pending methane regulations, oil industry groups are also pushing back against Congressional efforts to impose new fees or taxes on energy companies. Three variations of a methane tax have been introduced by House Democrats, IPAA's analysis of which shows increases to customer natural gas bills ranging from 12 to 34 percent, or up to $242 per year.

Click here to listen to The Crude Life interview with Lee Fuller.