Traffic waits on Highway 1804 at the Marley Crossing near Trenton, North Dakota, on May 10, 2024. The North Dakota Department of Transportation has requested federal grants to help build an overpass over the tracks but so far has been unsuccessful. (Photo courtesy of Williams County)
Fargo, ND, USA / The Mighty 790 KFGO | KFGO
Aug 26, 2024 | 7:41 AM
By: Jeff Beach
BISMARCK, N.D. (North Dakota Monitor) – A North Dakota utility regulator says a railroad overpass should get built on a key road before construction begins on a multi-billion dollar natural gas processing facility.
“I don’t know if it’s within our jurisdiction or even whether it’s fair and reasonable to require something like that,” Randy Christmann, chair of the Public Service Commission, said during a work session last week.
Christmann cited a letter from the head of the North Dakota Department of Transportation that said the DOT has been trying for three years to get a federal grant to build an overpass at Marley Crossing on North Dakota Highway 1804.
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