Students awarded scholarships from Hess and NDSF Foundation
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hess Corporation was able to honor eight 4-H and FFA high school seniors on Wednesday as the 2023 Hess Corporation scholarship winners.

According to a news release, there was a total of $40,000 in 2023 scholarships from Hess that were awarded through the North Dakota State Fair Foundation.

Those that were awarded are pursuing secondary education or training that is related to or in support of the community or the oil and gas industry.

Three of the scholarship winners received $10,000, and they were Trenton Erbele from Lehr, Allen Heins from New Salem, and Breanna Vosberg from Center.

Erbele will be studying electrical construction at North Dakota State College of Science, and he plans on working at an industrial plant and working towards being a master electrician.

Heins has a passion for agriculture and livestock and will study animal and rangeland science at NDSU. He plans to continue the longstanding collaboration between agriculture and the oil industry.

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